
Summer How To : Refreshing Face Mist

After two months of thinking that Summer was never going to come, the U.K has finally got some hot weather, hot but grey. Right now, I'm willing to embrace this sorry excuse of a summer! *MELT*

The only problem I have is that I find it really hot and muggy and there is only so many showers a person can take in a day and I find splashing my face with water repetitively tends to dry out my cheeks and cause my T zone to go into overdrive! Grrr!

After a short search in some shops and online, I found that there aren't really many things that are suitable/viable for refreshing my skin that is both inexpensive for the amount of it I'll get through at the moment and readily available!

I started researching ingredients and their properties, thinking I might make some kind of toner which contains glycerin as well as water.

Glycerin is widely used for moisturisers, lip balms and in soap. The great thing about using glycerin in my face mist is that as glycerin is hygroscopic it will help to absorbs water from the air, stopping my cheeks from drying out so fast as it would if I just used water.

Another ingredient I had thought I could use was rose water. Rose water is popularly used in many skin care products and has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, is a good natural cleanser and has been suggested to help lessen the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and relieve skin soreness. 

Rose water is the gentlest of all the astringents and is often used as a toner for fair and dry skin.

In addition to these skincare benefits the fragrance also has aromatherapy benefits helping to calm and relax you and also stimulate the nervous system.

So, armed with this knowledge I have decided to make a toner style face mist using distilled water, rose water and glycerin.

You will need:

* Spray bottle.
* Sauce pan and hob.
* Clean water.
* Rose water - Make sure it is 100% as often places dilute the oils and add preservative. Alternatively look online for step by step how to make your own.
* Glycerin - can be found in the baking isle in supermarkets or sometimes in chemists.

Boil the water on the hob and allow to cool completely to create your distilled water, then add 4 parts distilled water to 1 part glycerin and 1 part rose water and pour into your spray bottle. 

For example to make 150ml of refreshing face mist mix 100ml distilled water with 25ml glycerin and 25ml rose water.

To make this spray even more refreshing put the bottle in the fridge till you need to use it!

If your bottle has a secure cap/lid you can take this out with you when you go on picnics, to the beach or the park or even to take out to a pub or club for a quick refreshing splash of water but with extra moisturising and cleansing properties!


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