
Tiffin / Fridge cake / Death cake!

Tiffin is one of the best desserts ever! It's very easy to make and tastes delicious!
Even though I enjoy eating the tiffin you can buy in coffee shops, I find they are often stingy with the fruit, causing them to be less moist as well as being vastly over priced.

I have tried a few different recipes but ones which have the right amount of fruitiness often are more cakey, and lacking in the chocolaty texture being just right. So, I have made my own recipe which combines all the best parts from other recipes to make tiffin which I love!

200g of broken digestives.
75g raisins.
75g glace cherries cut into quarters.
200g chocolate, milk or plain is best.
100g Margarine.
25g Sugar.
4 tablespoons of golden syrup.

Melting chocolate, syrup and margarine.
  1. Crumble the digestives into a bowl, you want small pieces not crumbs! - I put mine into a bag and whack it with a rolling pin as I like being noisy and violent! 
  2. Add the raisins, quartered cherries and sugar into a bowl.
  3. Melt the margarine, syrup and chocolate in a double boiler - pan of water with a heat proof bowl over the top works well. Make sure you stir frequently or it may burn.
  4. Tip the melted mixture into the bowl with the biscuit pieces, sugar and fruit and mix till everything is covered in chocolate goo!
  5. The line a tin or tray with an edge with foil.
  6. Tip the mixture into the tin and press down with the back of a spoon.
  7. Leave to cool on the side - cover with more foil or cling film if you want to, I don't as the heat makes weird water drips on the dessert.
  8. When cooled put into the fridge to set. This can take at least 2 hours.
  9. Using the foil to help, take the tiffin out of the tin. 
  10. Put on to a cutting board and cut the tiffin in to equal pieces!
  11. Serve with a nice cup of tea or coffee! Unless you're like me and hate both then maybe a big glass of milk! YUM!

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