
Egg-cellent uses for Eggs

Many people have eggs in their fridge at home. Not only are they yummy to eat, they can also be used as a face mask, black head strips, hair conditioner or even a moisturiser!

If you are allergic to eggs I do not recommend  you use these treatments without consulting your doctor.

An introduction to egg skin care:

Egg whites are an egg-cellent (ha ha!) base for making many different types of skin mask as they stick to the skin very well and are thought to be good for temporary face lifts, cleansing, reduce redness and even help acne. Egg whites are natural and very mild so they make a wonderful alternative to chemical products you can buy in shops.

Egg Whites:
Egg whites are very good for oily skin, brightening your completion, and can give you a temporary face lift as it tightens the skin and reduces pore size.

Basic egg white mask:
Using one egg, separate the yolk and the whites into two bowls or cups. (I use ramekins)

Take your egg white beat them to make them frothy, this is not necessary although I find the whisked egg whites go on the skin smoother (less gooey!). Otherwise there is no difference between simply applying non-whisked egg whites or the whisked whites.

Apply the egg whites over your face with clean fingers or a clean makeup brush.

Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes – you’ll know it’s dry as you won’t be able to smile! As an egg white mask cannot be peeled off, wash it off with water.

Tip: I prefer to apply the mask before taking a shower and rinse it off whilst I am in the shower.
Other variations on the basic method:

Egg white and honey mask - This is a more nourishing mask. Simply add a table spoon of honey to your egg whites and apply as you would the basic mask.

Egg and Porridge oats mask - The oats absorb dirt and grease on your skin and can help to get rid of black heads. Add a tablespoon of crushed oats to form a paste with the egg whites and a small amount of honey to help it stick to your face better. Wait for it to dry and rinse, please take care not to scrub as the texture of the oats could irritate delicate or sensitive skin.
Alternatively you can use ground coffee or almonds in place of the oats.

Lemon and egg white mask - Best for oily skin - not recommended for people with dry or very sensitive skin. Add 3-4 drops of lemon juice to the egg whites, apply one layer of the egg whites to your face and leave to dry for a few minutes before applying a second layer. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with water.

Egg white pore strip - Add a layer of egg whites across your nose, layer over the top a piece of tissue. Put another layer of egg whites over it and another piece of tissue, leave to dry, the tissue will feel hard. Gently peel the tissue and egg layers off your face. Rinse any remaining egg or tissue off your face!

Egg yolk moisturiser:
Egg yolks make a very good natural moisturiser. Take your yolk and carefully prick it open with the prong of a fork.

using clean fingers or a clean makeup brush apply the liquid from the yolk all over your face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes -till you can't smile!

 Then wash off. I also recommend rubbing a small ice cube over your face to help reduce pours size and then you’re done!

Frozen cooling moisturiser stick:
1 Egg.
100g Coconut oil.
1 Tablespoon Honey

Whisk the egg and slowly add the coconut oil and honey a bit at a time, mixing until it's the consistency of mayonnaise. Take the inside tube of a toilet roll and place it upright in a bowl, spoon the mixture into the tube. Place the bowl and tube into the freezer and allow to freeze for a few hours. After it has set take it out and wrap in cling film. when you want to use it take it out of the freezer and cut a thin slice off, wrap back up and place back in the freezer then rub the frozen oil slice across your face to moisturise.

Egg hair care:
Eggs can be used to condition your hair as they are cheap, natural and deep conditioning.

Egg conditioning hair mask:
Take one egg, or two if you have long thick hair. Whisk them together in a bowl then put the mixture on your hair using your fingers to help spread the egg evenly through all the strands till all are covered.

If you have long hair like I do, I recommend you twist your hair up and clip in place to stop it getting in the way, you can also cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag to stop any drips.

Leave the mask on your hair for 10-15 minutes, to allow for the egg to do it's thing!

Wash your hair out with tepid or cold water, if you use warm or hot water the egg will cook and you'll get scrambled egg in your hair which will be difficult to pick out.

I hope this was both useful and informative!


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